About the Inspector General

Shortly after taking office, Clerk Peacock, established the Department of Inspector General via charter in January of 2015. Clerk Peacock envisioned an accredited inspector general department staffed with highly qualified and dedicated staff.

Inspector General Renee Fennell Larkey was initially hired as an Inspector General Auditor/Investigator in March of 2019. Renee was promoted to Inspector General in April of 2024.


Troy State University
Major: Master of Public Administration (Degree awarded: 1995)

 University of West Florida
Major: Bachelor of Science in Management (Degree awarded: 1992)

 Okaloosa-Walton Junior College
Major: Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice (Degree awarded: 1986)

Professional Certifications

Certified Inspector General (CIG)
Association of Inspectors General (Certification No. 967)

Certified Inspector General Investigator (CIGI)
Association of Inspectors General (Certification No. 1348)

Certified Inspector General Auditor (CIGA)
Association of Inspectors General (Certification No. 712)

Certified Economic Crime Forensic Examiner (CECFE)
National White Collar Crime Center NW3C (Certification No. 4409)

Certified Financial Crimes Investigator (CFCI)
International Association of Crimes Investigators (Certification No. E10670)

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (Certification No. 1008288)

Department Contact:

Renee Fennell Larkey, CIG, CIGI, CIGA, CFE, CECFE, CFCI

Inspector General
Clerk of Courts and Comptroller
101 East James Lee Blvd.
Crestview, FL 32536
Phone: (850) 689-5000 ext. 3432
Email: [email protected]
Fl Commission Acredidation Inspector General SealIG- Statewide